Linked Learning: Engineering Design (CTE) » What is Linked Learning CTE?

What is Linked Learning CTE?

Daniel Webster Middle School is excited to announce the addition of Linked Learning CTE "STEAM Engineering Design Pathway" this 2022/2023 academic year.


What is Linked Learning?

Linked Learning is an educational approach to teaching that is a blend of four crucial elements of learning:
  • Rigorous academics, aligned to admissions requirements for state colleges and universities.
  • Career technical education, delivering concrete knowledge and skills through a carefully structured sequence of courses.
  • Work-based learning, providing students with exposure to real-world workplaces through job shadowing, apprenticeships, internships, and more.
  • Comprehensive support services, including counseling and supplemental instruction in reading, writing, and math to address the individual needs.

Why Linked Learning?

Linked Learning turns middle school into a personally relevant, engaging and inclusive school experience that exposes students to previously unimagined college and career opportunities that inspire students to work harder and dream bigger.
Linked Learning Pathways expose students to California's major industries, giving them a better understanding of the types of career paths and jobs available, while helping them develop the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed in post-secondary education and career development.
A core component of all Linked Learning initiatives involves work-based learning, allowing students to apply their classroom learning in a professional setting and gain real-world experience. Students learn what it takes to thrive in the professional world through partnerships with local employers that offer internships, externships, and job shadows.
In all Linked Learning Pathways, teachers engage students in rigorous academic coursework that exceeds the California A-G college preparatory requirements. Furthermore, Linked Learning Pathways prepare students with 21st Century Skills to successfully meet the Common Core State Standards. Like Linked Learning, these new standards represent a shift away from memorizing facts and figures and toward challenging students to develop a deeper understanding of subject matter, to think critically, and to apply their learning in varying contexts. 
Additionally, academic teachers work collaboratively with career technical instructors to prepare students for success in post-secondary education and career development through real-world applications, project-based lessons, and other experiences that extend beyond the classroom. In Linked Learning Pathways, academic courses are linked to and reinforce career technical content while career technical courses enhance and support academic coursework.