CTE Elective Pathway » Webster's CTE Pathway: Engineering Design

Webster's CTE Pathway: Engineering Design

Webster's CTE Pathway: Engineering Design

What is CTE?

Career Technical Education (CTE) provides students of all ages with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners. CTE prepares these learners for the world of work by introducing them to workplace competencies, and makes academic content accessible to students by providing it in a hands-on context. Career Technical Education will engage every student in high-quality educational programs, developed in partnership with business and industry.  It will promote creativity and innovation and allow all students to turn their passion into a paycheck.

Why choose CTE?

CTE pathways ensure students graduate well-prepared for college, career, and life. The mission of California's Career Technical Education system is to provide industry-linked programs and services that enable all individuals to reach their career goals in order to achieve a high-quality lifestyle, to be competitive in the global marketplace, and to sustain California's economic dominance.

Webster's CTE Elective Pathway

Webster is proud to announce we are offering the CTE Engineering Design Pathway. This pathway allow students to explore career technology education in the broad area of engineering and architecture.  With the Engineering Design Pathway students will be given opportunities to explore the engineering design method, design and construct products, exploring robotics, as well as, apply computer programming skills to improve design projects.

CTE Engineering Design Goal

To give students the opportunity to grapple with real world engineering design challenges that will allow them to develop 21 -Century work force skills sets, create systemic ways to solving problems, and learn how to collectively collaborate on projects with the intention to successfully come up with solutions in a timely fashion.
Webster's CTE Engineering Design Electives Offered
7th grade Design & Modeling MS
8th grade
Automation & Robotics MS
8th grade
Computer Science Innovators and Makers MS ( advanced course, approval required)