Academic Counseling & Guidance » 8th Grade Culmination Requirements

8th Grade Culmination Requirements

In order to receive a Certificate of Completion and participate in the Culmination Ceremony at Daniel Webster Middle School, 8th grade students must:
Earn a passing grade of “C” or better on the Fall and Spring Semester 20 week report cards, with no more than 2 “D’s” or “F’s” total for the entire 8th grade school year. See the table below:
8th grade Courses Fall 8th grade Courses Spring
  “C” or Better   “C” or Better
English 8A A, B, or C English 8A A, B, or C
Mathematics 8A A, B, or C Mathematics 8B A, B, or C
History 8A A, B, or C History 8B A, B, or C
Science 8A A, B, or C Science 8B A, B, or C
Physical Education 8A A, B, or C Physical Education 8B A, B, or C
Elective/ELD A, B, or C Elective/ELD A, B, or C
Elective/ELD A, B, or C Elective/ELD A, B, or C
Receive no more than 2 “U’s” in Cooperation, and no more than 4 “U’s” total, on either the Fall or Spring Semester 20 week report card.
Receive no more than 2 “U’s” in Cooperation, and no more than 4 “U’s” total, on either the Fall or Spring Semester 20 week report card.

In addition to the above, 8th grade students must:

* Students who receive excessive “U’s” on the Fall report card may become eligible.
* Students must maintain a good behavior record that is free of excessive disciplinary actions.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:
Mr. Michael Korich, School Counselor at (310) 235-4621