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The Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program at Webster Middle School offers differentiated instruction for state identified students. Students are placed in Honors classes that provide alternative learning environments where students are challenged to think at higher levels. Teachers use acceleration, depth, complexity, and novelty to meet the needs of students.

The majority of students identified as gifted are enrolled in our School for Advanced Studies Program - a high-level, intensive, academic program for GATE students and students scoring at the Advanced levels on the California Standards Test.


Students are referred for identification as gifted all year long. The categories for identification are: intellectual, high achievement, specific academic ability-math, specific academic ability-English, creativity, and leadership.
Students who perform exceptionally well in the visual or performing arts may be eligible for identification as "talented." The performing arts category identifies students with exceptional talent in drama, dance, and voice, while the visual arts focuses on drawing and/or painting. Students who are identified as "talented" are also eligible to participate in Conservatory of Fine Arts held on the Campus of California State University, Los Angeles (Cal State LA) on Saturdays. The Conservatory is free of charge to students.