English » English


Department Goal for Webster Students: 

The ELA Department’s goal is to inspire students to express themselves effectively, eloquently, and efficiently in both oral and written forms of the English language. We want students to not only meet but surpass California Common Core English Language Arts standards, and, ultimately, to be able to empathize and relate to others as human beings through language.

Learning Targets:

  • ELA students will work towards mastering skills in grade level standards.
  • The objective of the ELD program is for students to meet the requirements for English Language Proficiency in order to 
Reclassify out of the program.  These requirements are: 
      • Pass the annual ELPAC exam (spring)
      • Pass the Reading Inventory test (fall and spring-select students)
      • Meet a Basic score on the annual SBAC exam (spring)
      • Pass their English/ELD course

Classes Offered:

  • English Language Arts Grade 6
  • English Language Arts Grade 7
  • English Language Arts Grade 8
  • English Language Development (ELD) 6-8

Brief Class Descriptions: 

  • 8th Grade: Eighth grade students will be reading critically acclaimed works by diverse authors, including novels, plays, and key informational texts in the current news media. We will be writing argumentation, short essays, news articles, biographies, short drama, resumes, and conducting research projects on a topic of choosing, culminating in a capstone project at the end of the year. Eighth grade students will develop more extensive knowledge of Greek and Latin roots and spelling/letter combinations.
  • 7th Grade: Seventh grade students will be exploring diverse works that transport students to diverse corners of the world. Students will further their writing skills in argumentation and informational texts. Students will also be reading compelling personal narratives upon which they will draw inspiration in order to write their own. Seventh grade students will also conduct research in a topic of their choosing and present their capstone project at the end of the school year.  Students will further their knowledge of grammar, orthographe, and penmanship.
  • 6th Grade: Sixth grade students will gain a fundamental and deep understanding of the building blocks of the English language. They will learn to build and parse sentences, analyze syntax, and play with sentence structure. Through creative and informational writing activities students will improve their grasp on the English language, using tone, voice, figurative language, and imagery. Students will also learn to analyze and evaluate complex texts, while defending their answers with evidence from texts. 
Grade Level Projects:
    • 8th: Job interviews, newspaper articles, TedTalk, podcast, dramatic performances, current events presentations.
    • 7th: Newspaper articles, writing letters to a legislator to enact change, personal narrative reading, current events presentations.